Saturday, February 14, 2009

On the road again . . .

Leaving Tenacatita - Feb 10, 2009

Today is February 14th - St. Valentines Day. We left Tenacatita on Feb. 10th, spent a couple of days in Manzanillo with Rupert friends, and arrived in Villa Corona on Feb. 12th.

We forgot what it was like driving with the trailer tied to our backsides, and it was a wee bit stressful. When we arrived in Manzanillo, we parked at the hotel where we stayed for two nights and enjoyed so much our time with our old friends.

Parking wasn't the problem, but when we went to leave, Arturo had to back out down a cobblestone paved hill that was only wide enough for one lane. Thank goodness Jose and Mirko were there to help guide Arturo through, because I don't think I could have done it. We said our goodbyes to the Rupertites,

and then headed off towards Colima. First of all though, we headed down the wrong way on a one way highway out of Manzanillo, and had to jump the median with trailer in tow to get into the right lane. Coming or going, we always seem to make an impression!!! But once we were in the right lane, we continued on through the state of Colima towards Guadalajara. We passed by Volcan de Fuego - a steaming volcano. The peak was covered in cloud so we weren't able to get a good picture.

Because it's what we seem to do best, we missed the turn to Villa Corona, and landed in a small Mexican town (trailer in tow) and had to manuver through the narrow cobblestone streets of Actolan until we were back on the right road. Aaah, Villa Corona never looked so good!

Villa Corona is a nice city of about 22,000 people. The RV park here is really a water park. There are quite a few pools here that are emptied each night and filled with fresh, warm spring water every morning. The temperatures are very comfortable - 30s in the day time, but it cools down to about 10 degrees at night so we have put the down comforter back on the bed. It really is a beautiful place and we are happy to be here. There are a few other RVers here that we met at Tenacatita, so it feels very comfortable indeed. Tomorrow we are headed to Tonola, which is THE shopping area of Guadalajara - and we'll see what kind of bargains we can find. Sunday is the market day - Arturo is so excited (just kidding!!)

Today we went on a little excursion to Lake Chapala (Mexico's largest natural lake) and, I don't need to say this, but we missed the turn that would have taken us there directly, so we headed off across country. Again, we maneuvered through narrow cobblestone streets and dirt roads to get to the main highway. This took us about one hour out of our way, but it was beautiful scenery. This cabellero (cowboy) was trying to lasoo a cow that had wandered from the herd (kind of like we seem to do) but he really wasn't having any luck.

Lake Chapala is quite a Gringo destination, and is built up with beautiful casas and haciendas. We had a bite to eat and headed back to Villa Corona where we enjoyed a Valentines Party hosted by the park.

Better go and get a good nights sleep, as tomorrow will be a busy day at the market.

Countdown is on - we will be heading north next week - it's been a wonderful experience!

Arturo y de Beeb

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