Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The best laid plans. . . . . .

OK - so last we spoke the plan was to head home through Colorado, Wyoming and Montana . . . . well, it's never that simple.

We had a little problem with the truck - initially the mechanico thought that we had blown a turbo (whatever that means) and we were looking at a big expensive repair. But, as luck (and I use that term loosely) would have it, it wasn't the turbo, but a sensor . . . . so, in a little auto mechanic shop in Anthony, New Mexico we got that fixed and are now on our way again.

But wait . . . the weather in Colorado, Wyoming and Montana is going sour . . . . so back to Plan "A". We are off to Tucson tomorrow, and then to Casa Grande, and I (de Beeb) will fly home on March 2nd. Arturo will have to wait until a good weather window, and hopefully will be back in Water Valley soon after that.

Unfortunately, the "Nowhere to be and all day to get there" doesn't apply here - as I have to get back to work, and to Kipper, and of course Keri/Jon/Isaac/Paddy (due any day now)/Chris . . . we just need to get home and get our lives back in some sort of order . . . enough of this lazing around!

Take Care - and "Felices Viajes" to all our travelling amigos.

Arturo y de Beeb

1 comment:

Holoidaysonholiday said...

Hola Artura and Beeb,
This is Mavis Holoiday from holoidaysonholiday answering your message sent to us about Savage RV and Trailer Park. I am still looking for the information you want. I can't find it right now but hope to talk to someone soon who can give me the phone number, etc.
Buenos noches,