Thursday, January 22, 2009

What are we going to do today?

Now, this is the life!
Arturo y de Beeb

1 comment:

S said...

okay, you're really going too you realize we're back down to -29 again??? This is no way to win friends and influence people ya know.....

Honestly tho, I'm so greatful you 2 are having such a glorious time. And sharing it with us is really special.

Talked to Mum last night. She sounds great! When I go in Feb, I'm going to take printed copies of your blog. I figured that would be easier for her to read and she can take her time.

I'm looking forward to the visit. Taking the laptop and alllllll my geneaology stuff with me so we can go through that. It'll be fun.

Hugs and Kisses, S & D