Monday, November 3, 2008

Count down is officially on!

It's November 3rd, and Arturo is getting the fifth wheel ready to take off. He is leaving Calgary on November 15th, and hopes to be in Phoenix area in about three days. de Beeb is taking an easier route - flying from Calgary to Phoenix on November 24th - we plan to leave the U.S. and cross at Nogales on November 26th. Today we checked the list again - all our documents are in place, photocopied and ready to go - health insurance - check - vehicle insurance - check - passports - check - pesos - check. Kipper will not be coming on this trip - he has a broken paw - but he'll be happy here with Penny (the housesitter). How do you like our name - No where to be and all day to get there! Perfect!!!
This is post #1 of many. .... and Osa will be in one picture per post - kind of like "Waldo" but will be "Where's Osa" Osa is Bear in Spanish - according to my handi dandi English-Spanish dictionary. There's a story behind this Osa . . . as some of you may know we are returning him to his homeland ;)

Adios, Amigos

Arturo y deBeeb

Temperature today in Water Valley - +15, slightly overcast.


Arturo y de Beeb said...
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Roberto (aka) Roberta said...

adios amigo....

look forward to following your trip to the land of sunshine....

from the land of snow....

Roberto (aka) Roberta