Monday, February 4, 2013

Open House . . . Lo de Marcos style!

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a fund raiser for the Amigos de Lo de Marcos - for $200 pesos (about $17), we  could tour 7 of some of the nicest homes in Lo de Marcos . . . these are all homes of either Americans or Canadians who either live here year round, or spend the winter.  The homeowners are also very active in the community.  Here are a few pictures of the homes - three are right in town, three are up the hill.  The ones up the hill are all off the grid - using solar power to supply energy to their homes.  We only made it through 6 of the seven homes - beautiful home burn out!

House #1


House #2

indoor kitchen . . . .

outdoor kitchen . . . .

House #3

amazing yard!!!

House #4 (off the grid)

another outdoor kitchen

guest suite!

Power source . . .

House #5 (off the grid)

Why would you ever get out of bed???

House #6 (off the grid) - I was speechless!!!

What can I say . . . there's quite a disparity between those that have and those that don't .... it's just the way it is.

We also went to another fundraiser (there are a lot of them around here) to raise money for a Automatic Cardiac Defibrillator for the town - with all us "baby boomer" touristos here over the winter - maybe it's a good thing  ;).  Vendors (Huichol Indians)come to the dinner to sell their wares - specifically beadwork - the kids were just hanging out and playing while their parents/grandparents worked at selling their goods. 


my bead dish

Actual size next to a pen . . . just a little dish!

This is not a  good sign when the waitress brings you a margeurita, corona . . . . and OFF!

Next post - our road trip to San Sebastian . . . .

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