Saturday, December 18, 2010

You know you're in Mexico when . . .

You know you're in Mexico when . . . . 

 . . . . this needs no explanation  ;) 

..... Town squares really are the centre of town . . . .

......Beaches are beautiful and clean . . . . . Arturo and Ricardo show off their "Speedos" . . . . .

 ........Chickens and rooster are "free range" . . . .

 . . . .and so are perros (dogs) . . . .

. . . .  little perros wear sweaters  . . . .

........Street tacos are bueno, muy bueno . . .
 .......Cerveza is cold and considered part of your daily fluid intake . . .
..... You look out to your patio every morning and know you don't have to shovel  . . . .
 ........  Pelicanos . . . . just being pelicanos . . . .
 .......  You can take this picture on your morning walk . . . . every morning . . . .
 ..... it's Thursday - so that means Market day in La Penita!....
...... Art and Bev has been replaced with . . . .
 ......Our amigo, Garry, is on the injured list from baseball  . . . .

 ..... we celebrate Cumpleanos with our amigo, Ricardo. . . .
 .... cabelleros and horses on the street . . . .
 .... our Christmas tree is  on the side of the trailer . . . .

..... street side taco stands with plastic chairs are considered a gourmet meal - and a family affair!


 . . . . the beauty of the flowers shows through beyond the dust . . . .

Feliz Navidad - Arturo y de Beeb


Holoidays on holiday said...

Love this days blog; did you have trouble uploading photos? You have certainly said it all in as few words as possible, bravo.

Arturo y de Beeb said...

Hi Mavis - no trouble loading the photos - I upload them first to a picasa web ablujm, and then to the blog from there. . . . as they say, a picture's worth a thousand words!