Monday, December 29, 2008

Some more news from us . . . .

Christmas Eve with our friends!!

December 26th, 2008
Well, we made it through the Christmas relatively easy. At the RV Park, some of the “long timers” cooked turkeys, and everyone else brought potluck for a really nice Christmas dinner. On Christmas Eve, our neighbors lit up the park with luminaries – bags with candles in them. This is apparently a custom in the SW United States, and they carry it on here. It was really nice.

Some of the people in the park went to church, others had a Christmas Eve meal in one of the restaurants, and then others just stayed at the park and turned in early – that was us. On Christmas morning, the owner of the park greeted us all and gave us little gifts.

I was up early to see the Christmas sunrise . . . .
and then Arturo and I decided to take a sleigh ride in the rocket. The ocean was so calm, and getting the Rocket in was not a problem. We rode around to the bay further to the south, and took some pictures of the Blue Bay Resort and some other places. At the end of the bay, is a passage that takes you through a mangrove (jungle) and back to our park – so we decided, what the heck lets see what it’s like. Here are a few pictures. I am just learning to use the movie feature of my camera, so the movies aren’t that great, but you’ll get the idea. It was a bit tight in that mangrove – I only took movies at the beginning but it got quite narrow and over grown. It was fabulous – and now we know where the mosquitos that eat us alive at night come from!

On Boxing Day we got up early and went for a bike ride with another couple we have met, Bob and Ardelle. (yes, this is Bev going for bike rides – it’s just what the doctor ordered! – as I feel better than I have for a long, long time). We headed off the main road, and followed a gravel/sand road through to another beach. It was really beautiful there – and of course, I didn’t have the camera, so we have to go back to take some pictures. We carried on through the “back road” to El Rebalsito where we usually bike to, and then home. While we were at the beach, we noticed some young guys with their fancy truck driving on the beach. Wouldn’t you know it, they got stuck in the sand, and Arturo had to help push them out. I wish I had my camera as it was just a little too much like pushing out of a snow drift – except of course, sand, and t-shirts and sandals instead of boots and parkas! PRICELESS!

After our bike ride, we had a little beach time, and then entered the Park triathlon (don’t worry, it’s not what you think!). We played a game of “golf” which is nothing like golf, and I am in the semi-finals tomorrow. After that part is over, we move on to Bocci and Horseshoes. It’s a tough life here!

It is starting to get very busy at Tenacatita – as this is a major holiday break for Mexicans, so the beach is the place to be! It will get back to a quiet, laid back place after New Years. . . . will post more soon - miss you all
Arturo y de Beeb


londonites said...

Thanks for the update my friends! I'm so happy for you and your little boat. It sure opens up a whole new demension to your trip eh!! Arp & I having nice surf and turf dinner and hope to last till midnight! I've really enjoyed this Christmas. Hope to hear from you soon!
Barb & Arp

S said...

Sláinte go saol agat

Love S